A cybersecurity conference for some of the top industry companies in North America to exchange ideas and methods that make the internet safer.
Long registration lines on the first day of the event and fluctuating demands on the convention floor meant that I had the responsibility of adapting my team of 30 volunteers based on those needs. Some exhibitors required a volunteer to be at their booths throughout the conference while other parties only required the presence of volunteers at specific times to do specific tasks.
My Approach
On the first day, I strategically placed volunteers at the welcome booths and event entrance to handle long registration lines efficiently. As the event progressed, I had to continuously assess and reassign volunteers to different sections whenever issues arose, ensuring that problems were addressed quickly and operations ran smoothly.
As a result, registration delays were minimized, with each attendee processed in just 2-3 minutes. Any issues that arose were resolved quickly, ensuring smooth event operations. Organizations that requested volunteers were satisfied with their support, and all speakers arrived on stage at their scheduled times..
Best Moment
Hearing from some volunteers how they managed to make connections with companies that could potentially help them get their careers of the ground.